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Challenging Ageism

Every older person who is involved in changing how things are is rewriting how older people are seen.

Being heard is often a challenge for older people, far too often services are shaped by spokespeople who are younger, images in the media are often one dimensional and do not reflect a true image of being older and there is a general sense that it is acceptable to dismiss older people as irrelevant. We are committed to changing these perspectives. We want to hear from older activists, each one demonstrates how much older people can bring to table.

Seeing the range of activities described in these pages show the huge contribution older people make to their communities and to the world. We aim to bring examples of Challenging Ageism and resources to help you counter the barriers you face.

A website well worth exploring is the Centre for Ageing Better. Research and case studies can be found here and they offer a useful resource for anyone.

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